Wednesday, October 12, 2011

more to offer than football

So yeah, it's football season, but that isn't all that I do.  Looking at my blog though, it kinda seems like all I do is tailgate and cheer on my Gamecocks!

Well, it isn' far as the rest of last week goes....(picture me trying to remember) ha! Hmmmm....Oh yeah!  I babysat Charlie and Annalee ALL NIGHT on Tuesday!  I felt like a real mommy!  Major props to you real mommies out there...I never realized how hard it was to get a 16 month old and a 4 year old fed breakfast, dressed, and in the car by 8:15 to get big sissy to school (so she doesn't miss "circle time"). Well, let's just say I learned!  Fortunately for me little man decided to sleep in until like 8:05 (I mean hey...I've always heard "never wake a sleeping baby").  So with that being said, I had 10 minutes to change his diaper, feed him breakfast AND Annalee breakfast, get her sweet sassy little self dressed (ha), brushed teeth, fixed hair, and dress the little man too.

I would love to say that you would be so impressed by my awesome mommy skills because I had her at school at 8:30 on the dot.  But lets be REAL!  That did NOT happen!  I'm pretty sure I was finally putting little man's car seat in the car around 9:00.  Lucky for me, I think that her class was running a little behind this morning because it looked like she was just starting "circle time."

Phewwww!  What a morning!  And it was only 9ish.  I've always wondered why you mommies out there always say it's so hard to even get yourself ready in the mornings...but now I understand why!  If I had wanted to shower and get myself ready, I would have had to of been up and going before both kiddos even got out of bed!  And my sleep is oh so important to me!

Well...enough rambling about my one time mommy experience!

The rest of my week just consisted of school, Gair's softball game (where they whooped some church softball tail),a date night with my love, and YES...a little tailgate for the Gamecocks playing the Kentucky Wildcats (you can check out those pics on my previous post).

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