Monday, August 29, 2011


It is unbelievably amazing how technology works!!  I just finished talking to Becca on Skype!

Jesus really does work in crazy ways!  I had just finished eating breakfast and I was thinking about Bec!  I got on my computer and signed on Skype, and she wasn't on :(  Since there is a 7 hour time difference it was around 5ish then, so I figured she would be getting on...I had honestly just typed in Google map of Uganda, because I wanted to see exactly where she was.  Here is a map of Uganga!  Becca is in a slum near Jinja, which is right above Lake Victoria on the right.  She says that "her slum isn't on the map."
While I was looking at a map....all of a Skype alerted me that someone had signed on.  That someone was Bec!  I talked to her for a minute and got to see where she is living.  She took her computer outside so I could Skype with some of the kids and as soon as she got out there I saw so many precious little brown faces smiling from ear to ear at me on my computer screen!  I tried to take a screen shot, but it was tough because it was a little delayed (being that she is half way across the world).
This picture cracks me up!  I was sad because I only had half of Lucky's face in the picture!  That is Lucky on the far left in the yellow shirt!

For those of you who are keeping up with Becca's blog, she said she is trying to upload pictures and do a blog post right now!

I have a lot of reading to do before my classes this week, so I will post tomorrow about my weekend!

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