Friday, September 2, 2011

new shoes.

With school started back I have been pretty busy!  I am taking three graduate courses this semester and all three of them are very important courses packed with A LOT of reading!  I am still babysitting two days a week though.  On the days that I babysit it's just Charlie and me because Annalee is in school.  I do miss her, but me and the little one have been having a lot of fun!  On Tuesday we went outside and played for a little while since he got him some new shoes!

I also got an update for those of you who were wanting to keep up with Becca's journey in Uganda!  She put a bunch of pictures on her Facebook page.  If you go to her blog you can click on a link to her Facebook page in the left sidebar.  The album titled Uganda with Russ is the album of pictures that she most recently posted from this trip.  She has had trouble with her internet holding up long enough for her to do a blog post, and the power at the orphanage is very spotty.

I talked to Russ about an hour ago.  He has landed back in the states!  He said that he had a great time!  I can't wait to see all the videos that he took!

I was just able to Skype with Bec, Papa Isaac, and Baby Don for a minute and she is doing great!  Baby Don (Papa Isaac's grandson) has Malaria, but Becca says he is doing much better!  Keep praying for Baby Don's recovery!  Although this precious little baby wasn't feeling well, he did blow me a lot of kisses.  I tried to do a cute screen shot when he was blowing me kisses, but it didn't work out so well.

Thanks again for all of your prayers for Becca! Hopefully she will post on her blog very soon!

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend :)

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