Tuesday, August 30, 2011

weekend in saluda.

This weekend Gair and I went up to the cabin in Saluda with his friend Russell's family.  Russell and Betsy have two precious little boys, Cooper and Davis.  Cooper will be 5 years old in November and Davis will be 3 in January.  Russell wanted to take the boys canoeing down the Green River, so they were very excited.  We all drove up late Friday afternoon and met at the cabin!  When we got there the boys of course wanted to play in the river.  Not even a minute went by before they were both up to their knees in the water and covered in mud!  I wish I had gotten pictures, but we hadn't even unpacked the car, much less gone inside yet!

After the boys got cleaned up from the river, we headed back up the mountain to go eat a late dinner at Sidestreet (a delicious pizza place in Tryon, NC).  For some reason we didn't discuss what everyone was going to order, so we ended up with 3 medium pizzas with 4 adults and 2 children to eat.  Needless to say, we went back to the cabin with 1 whole pizza, and half of another.  When we got back to the house, Russell and Betsy put the boys to bed, and we watched a movie/I fell asleep on the couch :)

Saturday morning we all ate breakfast and got ready to go on the river.  I don't think the boys were excited at all (ha) because all morning I heard over and over, "when are we going in the canoe?" :) Since there is only one canoe, Gair and I rented tubes so we could join them.  We packed a cooler with sandwiches and drinks and loaded up the canoe!  Since we were on the river, I didn't want to take my camera AND of course there were many great photo opportunities!  The Green River is absolutely beautiful (nothing like floating down the Saluda in Columbia).  After about an hour and a half (half way) we pulled over and had a little picnic on the river.  Cooper was loving the river, he didn't even want to stay in the canoe, so Russell tied a rope to his life jacket and let him swim beside the canoe (when it was calm).  After we ate, Davis fell asleep in the front of the canoe, and pretty much slept the rest of the way.  Cooper wanted to ride with me on the tube at the end, so for the last 30 minutes or so Cooper rode with me on the tube and tried to take a nap.  Someone needs to invent a DSLR camera that can go in the water, because there were so many times I wish I had MY camera!

Once we got off the river we loaded up the car (Russell and Gair had dropped one off earlier that morning) and headed back to the cabin.  We played, hung out, and heated up leftover pizza for dinner.  I have always babysat little girls, so it was fun to see little boys just be boys!  They are so different from little girls!

They loved to beat up and wrestle with Mr. Gary!
Russell, Betsy, and the boys had to head back home after dinner, but Gair and I decided to stay and just chill then head back early on Sunday.  I actually read some for my classes this week and then we watched the movie Grown Ups!  It was a very relaxing evening!

It was such a wonderful weekend, and I am not glad to be home with all this reading and school stuff I have to do :(  Well...I better get back to reading!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!

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