Monday, August 8, 2011

happy birthday mommy

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here today!  Happy birthday to a wonderful, incredible, amazing, caring, and loving moma!  If I only knew what all you have been through raising me as your daughter..... :)

While you and Dad were out of town, I decided to raid the photo albums to put up some pictures to embarrass you celebrate your birthday :)

My beautiful Moma when she was a little girl
What a hot Moma, before she was actually a mommy! This was before I was born!
February 16, 1987.  The day I was born!  So thankful to have you as my Mommy!
One of the best memories I will always hold close is the time we spend together on Lake Murray!
July 2007, in Antigua!
 Mom and her two girls I think this was Summer 2009.
 Something special I get to do with my mom every year!  All of my girlfriends from high school get together with all of our moms every Christmas for our Annual Cookie Exchange!
Easter 2011, the most recent picture of me and Bec with Mom!

Happy birthday Moma!  I am so lucky to have you as my mom!  I hope you have a fabulous day, and I wish I could spend it with you!

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