Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Becca's going back to Uganda

As any of you probably already know....Becca is going back to Uganda for 2 months.  Originally her and her friend Morgan were going to be traveling together, but now it's just Becca.  My mom and dad were very nervous about her going by herself and being there for so long, but God gave them the peace that they needed to be okay with her going.  Since she has to travel for almost 24 hours, that was another hard thing for mom and dad, so Russ (Becca's sweet boyfriend) is going to fly out there with her and stay for a week.  My dad (and maybe my mom) are going to fly over there before she comes home to spend some time there and then fly back with her so she doesn't have to travel so far by herself.  

Becca and Russ are leaving a week from tomorrow and flying out of Charlotte.  Please keep them in your prayers as they are preparing for their trip and keep Becca in your prayers while she is there for 2 months.  She is going to be living at an orphanage in Uganda.  It is the same place that she has visited twice before this year.  Becca is going to be blogging while she is there to keep everyone in the loop of what is going on.  When her site is up and going I will let you know what it is!  There are a lot of things that the children at the orphanage need that they don't have and she is taking over as much as she can.  Some of the things that she is taking to the children are vitamins, children's tylenol, clothes, and cloth diapers.  The children's tylenol is very important to keep down their fevers due to the high percentage of children with Malaria.

On Friday, Becca and I patched up a few doctors jackets that Mrs. Heady got from the hospital for Becca to take over to the Health Centre for the doctors there.  I embroidered the patches before we ironed them on.  Even though this isn't something that is a necessity there, it is something that they asked Becca to bring over if she was able to find some.  Thank you Mrs. Heady for finding these doctor's jackets for Becca to take with her.
That's me in action :)  This is the first thing that I have embroidered on this machine!  It was fun learning how to use it!

I wish I could tell you more about Becca's trip, but I'm sure you will be able to learn more about it from her when she starts posting on her blog!

Have a Terrific Tuesday :)

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